Contact us

At Ausenco we challenge what’s possible. We use our agility and experience to challenge traditional thinking and design boundaries to deliver customised solutions in ever changing markets.

  • Honiara

    ANZ Head Office Building Prince Philip Highway, Ranadi, Honiara

    P: +677 21996

    F: +677 22190

    Solomon Islands

  • Port Moresby

    Telikom Depot 4 Mile, Boroko,
    NCD Port Moresby

    P: +675 3256 033

    F: +675 3250 091

    Papua New Guinea

  • Port Vila

    Level 2, Former Bank of Hawaii Bldg
    Lini Highway Port Vila

    P: +678 23457 or +678 23403

    F: +678 22455


  • Saleufi

    First Floor Maxkar House Cnr Convent St & Saleufi Rd, Saleufi, Apia

    P: +685 30353 or +685 30354

    F: +685 30355


  • Suva

    Ground Floor, FNPF Place
    343-359 Victoria Parade Suva

    P: +679 3363 242 or +679 3362 957

    F: +679 3363 243
