Charleston Dias is a mining engineer with a master's degree and PhD in mining and metallurgical engineering. Charleston’s expertise lies in slurry mineral characterization for both long and short distance pipelines and he is an expert in filtering, rheology and internal pipeline corrosion. His recent research studied the application of reagents in the filtering of ore slurries.
In his role as Senior Engineer of Ausenco’s Brazilian laboratory, Charleston studies the properties of pulps and pastes to be pumped. He oversees sample studies and looks for ways to innovate and develop new technologies to provide accurate and reliable insights to our clients across the globe.
In addition to his field work, Charleston has co-authored numerous conference papers in field Minerals Engineering International for Brazil. These include:
- The Utilization of Reagents to Improve Industrial Filtration In: Solid Liquid. Separation´02, 2002, Falmouth. Falmouth: Minerals Engineering International - MEI, 2002.
- Tests with Reagents for Inhibition of Corrosion in Bauxite Slurry Pipelines - Corrosion in Transport Systems (Pipelines and Ships) INTERCORR2010_315 – 2010.
- The Effect of Reagents on Ultrafine Iron Ore Vaccum Filtration. Filtration & Separation, v.40 n.5, p. 37 - 39, June 2003.
Evaluation of the Contact Angle of Hematite Particles Through the Capillary Ascension In: 60 ABM Annual Congress, 2005, Belo Horizonte.
Charleston’s pipeline work includes:
- Hydro, Paragominas, Tomé Açu e Barcarema, Topsize evaluation study, 2021, Technical Manager. A topsize study with the objective of reducing tube bottom wear.
- Ambatovy Minerals S.A. Madagascar, On-Site Laboratory Testing Laboratory Report, October 2019. Laboratory work on nickel laterite slurries.
- PT Freeport Indonesia - Pyrite Concentrate Corrosion, Corrosion Tests at SGS Lakefield High Pyrite Blend December 2018.
- Imerys, Ipixuna, PR, Corrosion of IRCC e PPSA line, 2021, Technical Manager. Slurry and water corrosion tests of the IRRC and PPSA mines. Understand the corrosion rates of pulp and water under pumping conditions and evaluate other corrosion mitigating reagents.
- CBA: Alumínio, SP, Brasil, 2017, Technical Manager. Rheological studies of red mud at different temperatures.
- MBR: Itabirito, MG, Brazil, 2008. Characterization of iron ore concentrate pulps and evaluation of rheology parameters of iron ore pulps, grain size, density, deposition and slip angle, penetration.
- Alunorte Bauxite Paragominas: Paragominas, PA, Brazil, 2005 – 2007. Characterization of bauxite pulps and sludge, evaluation of rheology parameters of Alunorte bauxite pulp and sludge (viscosity, yield stress, slump) for pumping projects.