Mirko is a Civil Engineer with experience in Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management (EPCM) in civil works. Mirko has the competence to lead teams and the ability to draw up, design, schedule, plan and control the development and execution of projects. He has gained wide experience in earthworks, geosynthetics, pipes and other works. Mirko supervises and executes hydraulic and geotechnical studies, and hydraulic projects: dams, channels, conveyance pipelines, drains and sub-drains, and coastal defenses.
He has experience in the mining industry: roads, channels, camping, quarries, waste dumps, haul roads, leach pads, tailings dams, conduction lines and TSF operation and governance projects that include tailings dam, reclamation water and water supply for the concentrator plant.
Mirko is a Civil Engineer with a degree from the National University of Engineering in Peru and a diploma in Quality Management from the University of Chile.