The present study consisted in the evaluation of the transfer of auxiliary facilities considering the technical, environmental, legal / permitting, social and economic aspects in order to consider it as as a sustainable closure measure that allows reducing closure costs and also enhancing the social benefits of closure.

The methodology sequence includes Listing and definition of the auxiliary facilities subject to the Closure Alternatives Study, review of the area of direct social influence (AISD for your acronym in Spanish) of the mining unit, evaluation of the socioeconomic context of the (AISD), review of the results of the social commitments priors, analysis of the transfer process, Closure Alternatives Workshop, and analysis and evaluation of the transfer as a sustainable closure measure.

The analysis and evaluation of the transfer of auxiliary facilities as a sustainable closure measure was carried out by comparing the transfer with conventional closure measures (as disassembly, dismantling, demolition, reconformation of the land, placement of organic soil and revegetation). This evaluation was performed using multicriteria analysis.

From the evaluation conducted, it was determined that there are transfer options for the Drinking Water Treatment Plant, Operations Camp and associated facilities as well as the Quarry. The transfer of these facilities a 3% reduction in closure costs, however, it has associated socioeconomic benefits for the population in the direct social influence areas.

While the regulations governing mine closure in Peru require the transfer of facilities to the community or authorities, it is necessary for the community or authority and the mining company to jointly request it in writing to the Director General of Mining. This study was conducted as part of the mining company's internal and corporate strategy to assess the feasibility of the transfer and timely outline the activities required for effective planning.

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