From tactics through to collaboration and investment in human capital

In collaboration with AusIMM, we are hosting a webinar series shedding light on the changing landscape of mineral processing projects through a project lifecycle and sharing best practices on how to achieve optimal outcomes at each stage of the cycle.

Our first three webinars provided context to the series, outlined the importance of good studies to clearly define the value opportunity, and explained how good designs capture and enhance the value identified in studies while enabling successful construction execution.

In this webinar, Matt Pyle will facilitate a panel discussion on how to achieve high Net Present Value in project delivery. Joined by our highly experienced project delivery experts, Brendan Petersen, Peter Mayall, and Chris Morley, the webinar will provide insights into:

  • how to transform your project delivery business: tactics, roles and responsibilities, systems, collaboration, and investment in human capital, as well as why major projects fail
  • best practice at Mina Justa: how to manage COVID-19 through project execution
  • how construction ties into commissioning and the importance of commissioning to the success of projects

Facilitator and Presenters:

Watch the recording

If you would like to receive communications on the upcoming webinar series, register your interest here.

  • Operations and Optimisation: 02 December 2020

If you missed the first two webinars in our series, watch the recordings here: