Since 2005, Ausenco has been an integral contributor to the Bear Mountain Wind Project. Ausenco managed the Environmental Assessment (EA) and application, coordinated the pre-construction studies, and implemented the many commitments associated with environmental approval.
Bear Mountain Wind Park is a 34 turbine, 102 MW wind energy facility located in Northeastern British Columbia, owned by AltaGas. The Bear Mountain Wind Park began commercial operation in 2009. At that time, it was the first commercial project to deliver wind-powered electricity to the BC power grid.
Since 2005, Ausenco has been an integral contributor to the project. We managed the EA and application, coordinated the pre-construction studies, and implemented the many commitments associated with environmental approval. In support of the project’s provincial environmental review process, we compiled EA documentation and liaised with regulatory agencies, undertook technical studies, and carried out environmental, economic, social, and health assessments.
Ausenco led the adaptive management strategy for birds and bats affected by the wind park’s operation. Our adaptive approach entailed providing biological data for improved decision-making, addressing uncertainty over mitigation requirements, and reducing the costs associated with mitigation.
The Bear Mountain turbines currently generate enough renewable electricity to power most homes in BC’s South Peace region.
An EA and application was completed and submitted to achieve federal and provincial approvals. We supported the client in obtaining the necessary construction permits within the project implementation timeframe and completed construction monitoring to the satisfaction of Environmental Assessment Certificate commitments and regulatory requirements. Operations monitoring for the first two to three years of operation was designed and implemented by Ausenco.