Using the Seismic Retrofit Guidelines developed for the seismic assessment and retrofit of schools in BC, Ausenco completed the seismic upgrades of two schools in Delta, BC. The Delta Secondary School (DSS) project involved the design and construction of four upgraded buildings, one new building and one new canopy.
The seismic upgrade involved upgrading the foundations of all the buildings due to liquefaction potential and strengthening the existing lateral deformation resisting systems for the required demand.
The South Delta Secondary School (SDSS) project included the seismic upgrade of four buildings.
An earthquake early warning system (EEWS) was also installed as part of both projects, with SDSS also installing strong motion instrumentation to better evaluate the post-earthquake building condition.
As Prime Consultant and Coordinating Professional, Ausenco provided the structural/seismic design and led the design team including architectural, electrical and mechanical consultants to carry out the detailed design and provided engineering/architectural services during construction.
Ausenco worked closely with the Construction Manager and school representatives to ensure that the designs and construction minimized the disruptions to normal functionality of the schools during the academic year.
Ausenco actively interacted with the different stakeholders to ensure their satisfaction and that the projects progressed as planned. Both projects finished ahead of schedule and under their estimated budgets.