Ausenco completed the well pads and pipelines design basis memorandum (DBM), engineering design specification (EDS) and detailed engineering (DE) for Devon’s 35,000 bbl/d Jackfish 2 SAGD project. The pads and pipelines scope encompassed all of the steam and gas distribution and multiphase gathering systems between the well pads and the central processing facility. It also included the field test and group separation equipment and associated facilities located at the well pads.
A total of four well pads each with seven well pairs were designed The design maximised use of modularisation, pre-fabrication and packaged equipment.
The project also involved the as-building of Jackfish 1. Lessons learned from Jackfish 1 were incorporated into the Jackfish 2 project, and the project was completed within schedule.
Project highlights:
- DBM, EDS and DE for 35,000 bbl/d SAGD well pads and pipelines
- Four well pads with seven well pairs each