The Jericho project involves the design and construction of an aboveground potable water reservoir and a main valve chamber in the Township of Langley (ToL). Demand for potable water has increased substantially in the area and the reservoir is needed to ultimately store an additional 39 mega litres (ML) of water.
Development of the reservoir was divided into two phases, with the capacity in Phase 1 at 20.6ML, and a future expansion (Phase 2) in the range of 20ML.
Ausenco was engaged by Metro Vancouver (MV) to provide the conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design of the reservoir for Phase 1. This included a dual cell reinforced concrete reservoir, a reinforced concrete multi-level valve chamber (designed to accommodate both the current and future phase), site drainage, landscaping, and tie-ins to existing watermains. Our team also provided engineering support during construction.
In addition to being the prime consultant, our team was responsible for cost estimates and civil, structural, mechanical and electrical engineering. We also coordinated all the sub-consultants involved, providing geotechnical, environmental, archaeological, landscape architecture, architecture, building mechanical, process, surveying, noise, traffic, and water quality services.
The reservoir was designed to not only store water, but to provide a space for surrounding communities to use. A public park will be created on the roof by the ToL. A raingarden was created around the perimeter of the reservoir, and a ‘dancing water feature’ was created at one corner (to integrate with future new streets).
This project required working with multiple stakeholders including MV, ToL, City of Surrey, as well as the public. A series of workshops was held with these stakeholders throughout the design to solicit input not only from MV and ToL operations, but from end users such as the Langley parks and planning department. The workshops kept all parties informed of the design development. Ausenco also assisted MV and ToL in the public open house process.
The challenge
The structural design for this project was challenging as the 30’ (9 m) reservoir exterior walls were designed to tilt 5 degrees inward while meeting all project loading criteria, including high lateral earthquake loads. To meet this challenge, our team conducted fluid-structure seismic analyses, soil-structure interaction analyses, a full 3D analyses of the monolithic structure including thermal analyses, a detailed study to minimize early-age thermal cracking and delivered careful sequencing of construction to minimize shrinkage cracking.
Outcomes and achievements
Ausenco was originally engaged for only the conceptual and preliminary design, but based on our work, was also awarded the detailed design and construction services portion of the project.
The reservoir is now fully functioning and meeting Metro Vancouver’s performance expectations.