Image: Lanfine Wind Project: Reduced environmental impacts through avoidance of landscape and wildlife features

Sustainability1 min read

Lanfine Wind Project: Reduced environmental impacts through avoidance of landscape and wildlife features

Oyen, Alberta
Pattern Energy
2018 - 2023
Renewable Energy

Ausenco completed the environmental evaluations for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Buildable Area applications to the AUC for the 292 MW Lanfine Wind Project. In addition, Ausenco was successful in obtaining AEP Renewable Energy Referral Reports for each Buildable Area Phase. We also provided guidance on the micro-siting of Project components to reduce environmental impacts through avoidance of landscape and wildlife features wherever possible. As a result of our contribution to this Project, very few minor Information Requests were issued by the AUC and AEP during the permitting process.

Our Project Director also supported the Project by serving as an expert witness during the Project’s AUC public oral hearing. We testified to potential environmental impacts from the Project, particularly towards migratory bats, sharp-tailed grouse and native grassland. As a result of our expert testimony, the AUC approved the Project Facility Application in less than two months and did not apply any additional environment conditions onto the Project approval.