Image: La Granja Project: Pre-feasibility study and site selection for export terminal

Minerals & Metals1 min read

La Granja Project: Pre-feasibility study and site selection for export terminal

Chiclayo Province, Peru
Sociedad Minera La Granja

In 1994, Sociedad Minera La Granja (SMLG), a subsidiary of Cambior Inc., won the bid for the option to develop the La Granja Copper Project in northern Peru.

The project required a marine terminal for the export of up to 1 mt/y of copper concentrate. The marine facilities were designed for vessels up to 47,000 DWT and included a radial shiploader with a peak capacity of 1,600 t/h covering multiple hatches. In addition, the facilities were designed to accommodate container shipments.

It was proposed that copper concentrate would be brought to the port by slurry pipeline where it would be dewatered and stored in an enclosed shed; then reclaimed by front-end loaders into moveable hopper/belt feeders and onto a system of belt conveyors to the shiploader.

Ausenco assisted SMLG in the site selection, planning, field program and pre-feasibility study phases from 1995.

Ausenco also assisted SMLG with planning, port site selection, preliminary design of the reclaim system and marine facilities, capital cost estimates and review of shiploader supply offers. Rio Tinto obtained the La Granja concession in December 2005 through an international public bid conducted by the Peruvian State, after gaining the consent of the authorities and the community leaders of the area.