Image: Rocky Bay Stage 3 Remediation

Sustainability2 min read

Rocky Bay Stage 3 Remediation

Rock Bay, Victoria, BC
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC)
2014 – 2016

The project was successfully completed with no adverse health effects to the surrounding neighbourhood as a result of the remedial excavation.


Ausenco was retained by Public Works and Government Services (PWGSC) on behalf of Transport Canada (TC) to manage all environmental services for Stage 3 of the Rock Bay Remediation Project at Rock Bay in Victoria, BC.

Coal gasification plants operated from 1862 – 1952 by the Victoria Gas Company, and later by BC Electric on properties surrounding the south side of Rock Bay in Victoria’s Upper Harbour. These operations resulted in soil and groundwater contamination, as well as contamination of the sediment within the bay. Following extensive investigations, a three-staged remedial strategy was initiated in 2003, called the Rock Bay Remediation Project. Stage 1 was completed in 2005 and Stage 2 in 2006 before Ausenco became involved in Stage 3, which was completed from 2014-2016.


The core elements of the project included:

  • Development of the overall project plan including project scoping, costing, and schedule.
  • Leading the environmental work and the management of three separate environmental streams:
    • Remedial Sampling: Directed the remedial excavation and completion of all confirmatory sampling of soils and sediments. A confirmation of remediation report was produced upon completion
    • Environmental Monitoring: Developed the project Environmental Management Plan, reviewed the contractor’s Environmental Protection Plan, coordinated, and managed the environmental monitoring programs during the physical works
    • Neighbourhood Air Quality Management Program (NAQMP): Developed the ambient air quality monitoring plan of the surrounding neighbourhood during the project. The overall purpose of the NAQMP was to ensure that the public living and working near the project were not exposed to vapours, odours, and particulate matter at concentrations that could have potentially caused adverse human health effects or would have been a nuisance from an odour or aesthetic perspective generated during the Stage 3 remedial works.


The project was successfully completed with no adverse health effects to the surrounding neighbourhood as a result of the remedial excavation. Transport Canada was then able to divest the uplands portion of the site for potential future development.