Ausenco successfully reviewed the closure plan documents and resident concerns to allow the BC Ministry of Environment to make an informed decision regarding the closure of the Shawnigan Lake landfill.
We were retained by the BC Ministry of Environment (BC MOE) to complete two phases of document review pertaining to the Shawnigan Lake Landfill. Contaminated soil and ash were placed in the landfill facility as part of a reclamation plan for a quarry site.
The first phase of the document review included a review of as-built plans and background documents that were submitted to the BC MOE further to the spill prevention order issued for the landfill as well as other documents provided by residents. The second phase of the document review included a review of the final closure plan and more recent documents provided by residents.
The scope of both review phases was to provide comments, conclusions, and recommendations on the background and closure documents that were submitted to the BC MOE, focusing on the engineering design, construction, and stability of the landfill. The review was completed to assist BC MOE in making a determination of the adequacy of the landfill, leachate collection, and storage works, as well as the adequacy of the proposed plans for post-closure inspection, operation, maintenance, and environmental monitoring program. The closure plan is intended to document the site modifications and work process required to prevent an escape or spill of leachate or other contaminants into the environment during the post-closure period.
The closure plan was reviewed relative to its conformance with current BC MOE guidance for landfill closure, the 2016 2nd Edition Landfill Criteria for Municipal Solid Waste and for its completeness with the amended spill prevention order requirements.
Concerns documented by residents provided in the information package were reviewed to guide and focus the technical document review and were taken into consideration when preparing the conclusions and recommendations.
Ausenco successfully reviewed the closure plan documents and resident concerns to allow the BC MOE to make an informed decision regarding the closure of the landfill.