Featured Projects
We achieve the seemingly impossible and deliver innovative solutions in an ever-changing world by using our agility and experience to always challenge traditional thinking and design boundaries.
Viterra-Cascadia terminal capacity expansion
Benjamins Mill Wind Project: Radar and acoustic monitoring
Climate risk assessment and adaptation strategies for coastal infrastructure
Climate risk design criteria evaluation for mine site expansion
Bear Mountain Wind Park: 34 turbine, 102 MW wind energy facility
Dempster Fibre Project: 800-km fibre optic line
Oldman 2 Winds Project: Novel and cost-effective solutions
Yellow Lake and Burdett Solar Projects: Provide considerable cost savings to BluEarth
Riverview Solar Project: Successfully achieved the first utility-scale solar facility
Lanfine Wind Project: Reduced environmental impacts through avoidance of landscape and wildlife features
Windrise Wind Project: Successfully supported the Project from baseline data collection to construction