Image: ATCO: Upgrade delivered on budget and without gas supply interruption

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ATCO: Upgrade delivered on budget and without gas supply interruption

Geraldton, approximately 600km north of Perth, Western Australia
August 2017 - December 2018

ATCO owns, operates and maintains the largest natural gas distribution network in Western Australia, connecting more than 750,000 consumers across the region.

Ausenco provided integrated resources to deliver the project in collaboration with ATCO.

Ausenco presented a Business Case on a range of options for the facility upgrade to mitigate the risk of failure. The selected option provided a cost-effective solution that mitigated the most risk.

An initial onsite assessment identified items for refurbishment and replacement to meet a capital expenditure budget and included LiDAR drone survey.

Detailed planning ensured no disruptions to the service as the facility is the sole gas supplier to the city of Geraldton. This included temporary bypass piping and a temporary filter skid to complete the work while maintaining gas flow.

Local contractors were used in line with our commitment to support the communities in which we work.


The project ensures ATCO compliance with AS/NZS 4645 and AS 2885 with the installation of additional control devices for safe and reliable operation of the asset.
It also permits optimization of network performance with the installation of metering equipment.

The PRS was redesigned to include over-pressure protection devices. This will reduce the risk of overpressurisation damage to the downstream network, including customer installations.

The project baseline scope was delivered under budget allowing funds to be allocated for supplementary work including cosmetic painting and ground surface treatment to mitigate fire hazards.

The upgrade increased the flow capacity to meet forecast demand of approximately 3,000 SCMH.