Image: Yellow Lake and Burdett Solar Projects: Provide considerable cost savings to BluEarth

Sustainability1 min read

Yellow Lake and Burdett Solar Projects: Provide considerable cost savings to BluEarth

Burdett, Alberta
BluEarth Renewables Inc
2017- ongoing
Renewable Energy

Ausenco supported BluEarth through the development of the Yellow Lake and Burdett Solar Projects. We have maintained compliance with Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) and Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) regulators and through the implementation of forward-thinking approaches We have been able to provide considerable cost savings to BluEarth related to wetland compensation requirements for both projects under the Water Act. As these solar projects neared construction, Ausenco provided consultation and support to maintain compliance with the Conservation and Reclamation Directive and AUC permit requirements. While both Projects are under construction, we continue to provide environmental support on an as needed basis.