Information technology


  • Balancing performance, cost and risk – the asset manager’s challenge

    Efficient asset management requires alignment between various areas within an organisation such as operations, maintenance, engineering, inventory, finance and security.

  • How accurate is your operational budget?

    It can be challenging to build accurate budgets that can be called upon to impact the reliability and availability of assets positively as most organisations use several different systems.

  • Managing asset criticality

    In this article, Alberto Cardenas discusses managing asset criticality

  • Building a new maintenance strategy

    In this article, Brian Spicer discusses building a new maintenance strategy

  • Understanding the true cost of your strategy from a budget perspective

    In this article, Jon Garnaut discuss understanding the true cost of your strategy from a budget perspective

  • How do you determine the efficiency of a maintenance strategy?

    In this article, Jon Garnaut discuss how do you determine the efficiency of a maintenance strategy?

  • How to know when you’ve outgrown Excel

    In this article, Aiden Dipple discuss ow to know when you’ve outgrown Excel

  • The role of asset optimisation in operational transformation and viability

    Our Asset Optimisation experts share insights into operational risks, advanced tools and technologies in the digital era, and how asset optimisation can aid operational transformation.

  • Ausenco’s asset optimization capabilities in South America

    A sit-down interview with Juan Carlos Duarte – Director, Asset Optimization South America, to discuss Ausenco’s asset optimization capabilities and operations in South America.