Aurizona Gold project: Expansion and restart of a gold operation in Brazil
Aurizona Gold Project
墨汁 落とし方
Aurizona Gold Project
Josemaria copper-gold project
Cadia East Concentrator Upgrade
Chatree Gold EPCM Project
In this interview, we speak with Everson Tedardi, Vice President of Ausenco Brazil about the company’s purpose, the current commodity super cycle, and how Ausenco adds value to mining projects.
Jinfeng Gold BIOX® Project
Martabe Gold Project
Increase in gold production
North Mara Gold Project
Designed by our experts, the new Ravenswood Gold processing plant can be operated efficiently across a range of capacities, with 32% lower water and energy intensity.
Coffee Gold Project
Ore sorting technology offers benefits such as reductions in operating costs and environmental impact, increased production and increased NPV.
Skeena Resources Limited
Didipio Gold-Copper Project
EHM Magnetite Recovery Base Plant
Ausenco Limited (ASX: AAX) today announced it had secured an initial three-year contract to manage a portfolio of projects at Newcrest Mining Limited’s (ASX: NCM) Lihir gold operation in Papua New Guinea (PNG).
AUSENCO, together with joint-venture partner Downer, is partnering with OZ Minerals to deliver a capital and operationally efficient plant on the Carrapateena project. From Australian Mining Review, December 2018
Ausenco Downer JV secures EPC contract with OZ Minerals for their Carrapateena copper gold project.
Ausenco Limited (ASX: AAX) today confirmed it is the preferred Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor for Atlantic Gold Corporation’s (TSX-V: AGB) Moose River Consolidated gold project (the Project) in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Paper presented at Heap Leach Solutions 2015, InfoMine, Nevada, USA, September 2015.
Ausenco Limited (ASX: AAX) and its strategic alliance partner, Duro Felguera S.A. (DF) (BMAD: MDF), have executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Atlantic Gold Corporation to deliver the Moose River Consolidated gold project (the “Project”) in Nova Scotia, Canada on an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) basis.
Ausenco commences $91 million EPC contract with Atlantic Gold
Ausenco Limited (ASX:AAX) has been awarded a CAD12 million contract to provide engineering, procurement and construction management (EPCM) services for the refurbishment, upgrade and maintenance of an existing gold processing facility in North Africa.
Our project team has achieved 1 million man-hours LTI-free on the Ad Duwayhi Gold Project in Saudi Arabia.
Optimising complicated mineral processing plant operations with multiple ore types and grinding circuit configurations can be challenging. Rajiv Chandramohan explains how Ausenco has significantly improved operations.
A sit down interview with PM Mark Cornwell to discuss the Moose River Consolidated Gold Project where Ausenco undertook the delivery of the 2 mtpa carbon-in-leach (CIL) processing plant and associated infrastructure. The project is located ~85 km north-east of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Process plant layout optimized
How we're delivering innovation within the mining industry
Ahafo Gold Asset Management Audit
Paper presented by Dr. Rajiv Chandramohan at AusIMM Mill Operators Conference, Brisbane, August 2018.
Paper presented by Dr Stephen La Brooy at ALTA 2017
Gold recovery via Ion exchange resins. An abstract of a paper to be presented by Ben Strong at ALTA 2017
Paper presented by Dr Jeff Claflin at MetPlant2017, Perth, September 2017
Paper presented at the World Gold Conference, South Africa, 2015