review of literature for financial crime compliance


  • How a monitoring system optimizes and enhances the safety of pipeline operations

    By employing cutting-edge technology, pipeline operators can enhance operations and improve safety and cost-efficiency.

  • Las Bambas – Evolving transportation logistics and solutions

    Evolving transportation logistics and solutions at the Las Bambas copper mine is located in mountainous terrain near Cusco, Peru.

  • Find a better way to move your material from mine to market.

    An article series uncovering the key considerations in a holistic approach to transportation processes.

  • Supporting our pipeline clients around the world with accurate lab results

    Our lab experts have characterized thousands of slurry samples to understand the slurry characteristics crucial to pipeline projects.

  • End to End Data Management to Improve Asset Integrity and Reliability

    In this webinar, our experts discussed how data management can help make better decisions about asset integrity.

  • Infographic: Find a better way to move your material from mine to market

  • Ausenco developing an industry response plan for slurry pipelines

    Ausenco is busy incorporating client feedback from a recent symposium in Chile, into an industry response plan to address failures of long-distance slurry pipelines.

  • Ausenco symposium outlines importance of long term mining slurry pipeline management

    Whilst the technical and commercial feasibility for long distance slurry pipelines is now well proven in mining and other industries, existing pipeline assets are ageing. In this new, mature phase in the slurry pipeline industry, there now exists an increased risk of failure. Ausenco’s Pipeline Users’ Symposium was developed to progress industry excellence for long distance slurry pipelines.

  • Ausenco addresses slurry pipeline failure rates

    Having built over 80% of the world's long distance slurry pipelines, Ausenco is well placed to lead a discussion on preventative maintenance and integrity plans for these assets. Ausenco’s JP Fortin explains how in a recent interview with Mining Weekly.

  • Should a ceramic filter be used downstream of a slurry pipelines?

    Pipelines have been shown to be more economical and less impacting in the environmental sphere than the rail transport for transport of mineral pulps.

  • Pumping foamy slurries – chemical treatment for optimized operation

    Paper presented at the IBP-organised Rio Pipelines 2015 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • Tackling the pumping of foaming slurries

    Reducing slurry foam before it arrives at the centrifugal pump suction nozzle in the iron ore processing plant froth flotation circuit improves pumping capacity and efficiency. Find out how.

  • Minas-Rio, maior mineroduto de concentrado de minério de ferro do mundo foi projetado pela Ausenco

    A Ausenco executou uma gama completa de serviços de engenharia, em diversas fases do projeto Minas-Rio para o cliente Anglo American. O Minas-Rio é o maior mineroduto para transporte de minério de ferro do mundo.

  • Minas-Rio - world’s longest & largest slurry pipeline, designed by Ausenco

    Ausenco performed a full range of pipeline engineering services on the Minas-Rio iron project for Anglo American. The pipeline is the longest iron concentrate pipeline in the world, with the largest tonnage.

  • Meet Jay Chapman

    In this Insight we share a personal profile of Jay Chapman, Global Practice Lead, Pipelines

  • Reducing slurry pipeline operating costs to $1/ton or less

    Pipelines are great alternatives for transporting suitable bulk mineral products. When buried, they present low environmental and visual impacts along their routes, and operational costs are both low and predictable.

  • GIS Upgrade: Leak detection and corrosion monitoring system integration

    Pipeline Network GIS Upgrade

  • Design and commissioning of a long-distance pipeline transporting thickened tailings in laminar flow

    Paper presented by Alisson Vidal at the Rio Pipeline Conference 2019, Rio de Janeiro, 4 September 2019.

  • SHBAB Pipeline: Leak detection uses EFA Technologies LeakNet

    SHBAB Pipeline Leak Detection

  • Commissioning of the Anglo American Minas-Rio iron concentrate pipeline

    Paper presented at the IBP-organised Rio Pipelines 2015 Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.