Moose River: Performance-based contract enables project financing and drives superior shareholder value
Moose River Consolidated Gold Project
Information technology
Moose River Consolidated Gold Project
Ausenco is pleased to announce its sponsorship of the 6th Tailings Peru 2021 Congress on Engineering, Operation and Safety in Tailings Management organized virtually by Deev from November 21 to 26.
Matt Pyle, our Director Technical Solutions, discusses the economic myths around dry tailings.
Customized tailings facility design and construction ensures the unique geographical, geotechnical, environmental and physical characteristics of each site are considered to deliver cost effective and environmentally friendly outcomes.
Presented at the Pan-American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Cancun, Mexico, Nov 2019.
Paper presented by Richard Whittering at The Filtration Event, Cologne, Germany, 24 October, 2019.
Paper presented at the Tailings and Mine Waste Conference, Vancouver, October 2015