Industrial & Infrastructure

Geotechnical, Tailings & Supervision Support Services

Ausenco’s experts provide end-to-end solutions, developing projects from conceptual study phase to closure, while offering expertise on tailings facilities, geotechnical engineering, and supervision support.

Each project has specific requirements, site conditions, and stakeholders, and needs a tailored solution. Our team brings a depth of geotechnical experience – from pit to port, our large tailings studies developed for various sized projects, materials, locations, and governance, have challenged us to find specific solutions to address any challenge. Our team is focused on providing customized solutions to address today’s requirements.

At Ausenco, we are focused on ESG and understand the importance that GISTM implementation has within the industry. This includes knowing the key role of governance on the lifecycle of tailings management, including closure. Our interdisciplinary team works together to find solutions that address both technical and economic challenges, as well as non-financial areas, that are part of the new global standard.

Key Geotechnical, Tailings & Supervision Support Services:

  • Design and supervision of geotechnical campaigns, as well as interpretation of in situ and laboratory test results
  • Definition, monitoring, and control of geotechnical Instrumentation system
  • Expert advice on GISTM implementation
  • Geotechnical engineering of tailings dam, filling plan, water balance, leakage recovery system, leak barrier design
  • Dam Safety Review, Dam Safety Inspections, Dam Breach Analysis, Risk Analysis under FMEA procedures
  • Operations handbook
  • Emergency plans
  • QA/QC Services