We are renowned for our expertise in seismic engineering—from school retrofits to highly complex base isolation solutions for heritage buildings, we provide seismic services for a variety of building types and uses.
Our team protects infrastructure from the effects of earthquakes through seismically aware initial design, and seismic retrofitting of older structures. We apply and develop seismic solutions and performance-based designs for a wide variety of buildings including:
- Schools
- Hospitals
- Firehalls
- Residential buildings
- Heritage buildings
- Government buildings
- Religious buildings
- Industrial facilities
Recognised both locally and internationally, Ausenco is a strong proponent in the implementation of the most current technology in seismic regulations, the use of appropriate analyses to fully understand structural performance in an earthquake, and in moving industry thinking forward. We bring firsthand understanding of structural and infrastructure performance in earthquakes from our post-earthquake reconnaissance missions in North America and abroad.
Our team has decades of experience on over 275 projects and provide our clients with expert advice on the latest code developments, including NBC2020. We bring a proven track record of delivering seismic assessments, evaluation, analysis, detailed design and construction-related services of both simple and complex structures. We also bring an intimate understanding of all aspects of the Ministry of Education and School District requirements for the study, reporting and detailed design for the retrofitting of BC schools.
Our seismic experts offer the following services:
- Seismic assessment (both of individual buildings, and inventories of buildings)
- Seismic evaluation (including coordination of surveying and material testing)
- Seismic analyses (including current performance-based non-linear time history analyses)
- Seismic upgrade/retrofit (conceptual, preliminary, and detailed designs)
- Construction-related services (intermittent to full-time resident)
- Earthquake engineering for new structures (per current code and ‘outside of code’, using performance-based approaches)
- Seismic isolation (base isolation)
- Supplemental energy dissipation (seismic dampers)
- Fibre reinforced polymers (FRP)
- Buckling Restrained Bracing (BRB)
- Liquefiable sites (innovative structural solutions)
- Seismic upgrades with minimal disturbance to operations
- Advanced computer modelling and analyses
- Provision of external peer reviews