Minerals & Metals

Environmental Impact Assessment

Analyzing the potential impacts of a proposed development project on the natural and human environment and identifying measures to prevent or minimize impacts prior to major decisions and project commitments. At Ausenco, we take that responsibility to heart.

For over two decades, we have supported many of Canada’s largest and most challenging projects. Our dedicated and experienced impact assessment teams have contributed to our proud reputation as leaders in effective, client-focused management of environmental impact assessments. Our depth of experience and multi-disciplinary approach allow us to steer projects through complex assessment and regulatory processes – on time and on budget.

Our Environmental Impact Assessment team includes some of the industry’s most respected experts. Our professionals regularly publish articles and make presentations on scientific, technical, and legislative issues regarding the impacts of environmental legislation. This open sharing of expertise with industry associations, practitioner groups, and First Nations is a commitment we make in our ongoing efforts to be thought leaders in our fields of expertise.

We are experienced in managing environmental reviews under BC’s Environmental Assessment Act, Alberta’s Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Yukon’s Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act, and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012. We have also completed many joint reviews and audits of proposed and operational projects.

Our work includes impact assessments for major port and transportation infrastructure projects, environmental assessment for LNG clients including Woodfibre near Squamish, BC, flood mitigation projects for various provincial governments, and BC Hydro Projects including the John Hart Generating Station Replacement and the Strathcona Dam Safety Upgrade. We have also completed numerous wind and other renewable energy project environmental impact assessments throughout BC and Alberta.

In Northern Canada, we have conducted some extremely challenging environmental assessments for the resource industry, including assessments for the Coffee Gold Project for Goldcorp Inc., Yukon Zinc’s Wolverine Mine, Strata Gold’s Dublin Gulch Project, Selwyn Resources’ Selwyn Project, and the Jericho Diamond Project.