Minerals & Metals

Community Engagement

Inclusive, respectful and responsive engagement and consultation is a key component of project planning.

Our goal is to provide exceptional Indigenous and community engagement and consultation support along with social science and regulatory expertise to private sector companies as well as municipal, regional, provincial, territorial, and national governments.

Our team is a resourceful collection of specialists and advisors from Indigenous and community engagement professionals and senior negotiators to socio-economic specialists and policy advisors.

Successful community engagement requires a holistic, collaborative, and integrative approach for issue identification and resolution. Our Human Environment team’s inclusive approach integrates community-based engagement, consultation, and assessment processes with an open and collaborative approach that maximizes positive outcomes for projects and communities.

By tailoring our services to support the unique requirements and values of our clients and the communities where they operate, we can assist in the development and implementation of mutually beneficial solutions.

Beyond our project work and track record of successful consultation, we are also active in making a positive difference to the communities in which we live and work through the Ausenco Foundation.

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