Minerals & Metals

Water Resource Management

Our water resources specialists focus on understanding the complex movements and interactions of surface water and groundwater.

Sustainable water resources are paramount as communities, industries and natural resource development companies work to achieve water security and infrastructure resilience. This is becoming increasingly more challenging with increased demand for reliable sources of water and changing precipitation patterns.

Our team of hydrogeologists, hydrologists, engineers and water quality experts provide water resource management expertise across a broad range of sectors including mining, land development, oil and gas, energy, transportation, and the public sector. From desktop studies to complex lifecycle studies that balance long-term environmental, economic and social impacts of water use, we work to find the best solutions for our clients.

With leading engineering and environmental experts around the globe, we provide complete environmental, engineering, and design services to our clients wherever they are. Our water resources management services are an integral part of the environmental and engineering services that Ausenco offers to clients. Our services include:

  • Water balance including numerical (Goldsim) modelling
  • Physical/conceptual hydrogeology
  • Groundwater modelling, predictive water quality modelling
  • Geochemistry, waste rock / acid rock drainage
  • Surface water and groundwater sampling campaigns
  • Hydrology, instream flow assessment
  • Baseline studies, water quality assessment
  • Source water characterization and protection
  • Water supply planning, watershed management, surface water protection
  • Environmental assessment, permitting and licensing
  • Habitat enhancement, resilient design, innovation, community consultation
  • Nature-based solutions for flood risk reduction